Something small: npm ERR! notarget

npm ERR! notarget when using a Nexus repository that takes packages from npm

I had a build that was previously fine, but after changing a line that was unrelated to anything, the build failed with the following message:

[12:04:38][Step 2/7] Step 1/1: NPM Install (Command Line) (14s)
        [12:04:38][Step 1/1] Starting: [REDACTED]
        [12:04:38][Step 1/1] in directory: [REDACTED]
        [12:04:42][Step 1/1] npm WARN deprecated istanbul@0.4.5: This module is no longer maintained, try this instead:
        [12:04:42][Step 1/1] npm WARN deprecated   npm i nyc
        [12:04:42][Step 1/1] npm WARN deprecated Visit for other alternatives.
        [12:04:45][Step 1/1] npm WARN deprecated circular-json@0.5.9: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor.
        [12:04:50][Step 1/1] npm WARN deprecated circular-json@0.3.3: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor.
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! code ETARGET
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! notarget No matching version found for @angular-devkit/build-webpack@0.800.4
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! notarget 
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! notarget It was specified as a dependency of '@angular-devkit/build-angular'
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! notarget 
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] 
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] npm ERR!     [REDACTED]
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 1
        [12:04:53][Step 1/1] Process exited with code 1
        [12:04:52][Step 1/1] Step NPM Install (Command Line) failed

Note the line about "No matching version found"!

In my package.json file, I had

    "@angular-devkit/build-angular": "~0.800.0",

Looking over on Github, I found that Angular's devkit/build-angular had just been updated an hour ago.

The Nexus repository that my project used takes a day or so to update. So because I had selected the latest patch version of that angular-devkit package, npm knew that a new one had come out but the project could not find it on Nexus.

I refreshed myself on the version numbering format.

Number order:
        major version, minor version, patch version
equals  "=0.800.0"  exact version
        caret   "^0.800.0"  minor version
        tilde   "~0.800.0"  patch version

The equals will get me exactly version 0.800.0.

The caret gets me 0.801.0 if it exists, but wouldn't update for a new 1.000.0.

The tilde gets me 0.800.1 if it exists, but wouldn't update for 0.801.0.

Good to keep in mind!