This one's a small tidbit of a mistake I made.
I was using NUnit for testing a data access layer in my application. This area of interest makes a database update to a row after a different service finishes a process and gives me back the id via a message (brokered by RabbitMQ).
I quickly wrote up the data access test since it was just going to be a matter of:
At this point the code looked like this:
public class EvalBackfillDataAccessTests
private IEvalBackfillDataAccess _sut;
private Guid _expectedDecisionId;
public void Setup()
_expectedDecisionId = Guid.NewGuid();
AddDecision(_expectedDecisionId); // A function that creates a new row in our decision table in the database
_sut = TestBootstrapper.Container.GetService<IEvalBackfillDataAccess>();
public class WhenUpdateDecisionWithEvalIdIsCalled : EvalBackfillDataAccessTests
public void Task It_updates_the_decision_with_the_eval_id()
var evalId = Guid.NewGuid();
_sut.UpdateDecisionWithEvalId(_expectedDecisionId, evalId);
var expectedEvalId = GetEvalIdByDecisionId(_expectedDecisionId);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedEvalId, evalId);
public void Cleanup()
Where the Add and DeleteDecision methods look like:
internal static int AddDecision(Guid decisionId)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(TestBootstrapper.DBConnectionString))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(AddDecisionSql, decisionId), conn))
return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
internal static int DeleteDecision(Guid decisionId)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(TestBootstrapper.DBConnectionString))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(DeleteDecisionSql, decisionId), conn))
return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
And the sql is pretty straightforward. Won't show the add since there's a lot of different data that gets added but the delete was like:
private const string DeleteDecisionSql = @"
delete from [myschema].[Decision] where DecisionId = '{0}'";
I ran the test and it failed with a:
System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.Guid'
I had a brain fart and forgot to await the system under test's call! It's making a database call and needs to update that row, but since I forgot to wait around for that update to finish my sql query in the next line immediately runs and of course it's null. A simple asynchronous mistake.
Glad it wasn't anything more complicated than that.
End result:
public async Task It_updates_the_decision_with_the_eval_id()
var evalId = Guid.NewGuid();
await _sut.UpdateDecisionWithEvalId(_expectedDecisionId, evalId);
var expectedEvalId = GetEvalIdByDecisionId(_expectedDecisionId);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedEvalId, evalId);